Investing Is More Than Just Picking Investments

A common theme I discuss with my clients is the fact that there's a lot more to financial planning and investing than just picking the right investments. Further, investing itself is not even primarily based on the study of finance. More than anything, investing is about how people behave with money. And guess what? It turns out that teaching good investor behavior is really hard to do! It's not as simple as pointing to a few clever equations, memorizing a formula or building an Excel spreadsheet. It's not about what you know -- it's about your actions and behaviors.

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It's FAFSA Time!

October 1st is right around the corner, and if you've got a high school senior, that means it's time to start preparing for the FAFSA®.

First off, FAFSA actually stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. To apply for federal student aid for college, you need to complete the FAFSA form at

Federal student aid comes from the federal government (U.S. Department of Education). It’s money that helps a student pay for higher education expenses.

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